PLEASE NOTE: A prescription issued by a UK registered vet (MRCVS) is required before this item can be dispatched.
Colvasone 0.2% w/v Injection
Product Description
Dexamethasone is a synthetic corticosteroid with a highly potent anti-inflammatory action.
Colvasone can be used for:
- Intravenous therapy in cases where emergency treatment is indicated, particularly shock and circulatory collapse, fog fever, acute mastitis and burns.
- Acetonaemia (Ketosis) in cattle: Colvasone has a marked glucogenic action.
- Inflammatory conditions in all species: Colvasone will suppress inflammation and is indicated in the treatment of arthritis, laminitis (excluding horses), dermititis, etc.
Dosage & Administration
By intravenous or intramuscular injection.
Cattle: 1ml per 25kg bodyweight
Cattle must not be slaughted for human consumption during treatment.
Cattle may be slaughtered for human consumption only after 21 days from the last treatment.
Milk must not be taken for human consumption during treatment.
Milk for human consumption may be taken from cows only from 84 hours after the last treatment.
Farm Vet Services recommended product is Dexa-ject